Our Mission

To provide a prepper National Network Platform that may be the missing link to your survival strategy. Getting you connected with people down the street, in your town, and around the world for information and support. I have been involved in the survival/preparedness movement for over a decade and Greg was born a prepper. Unfolding before us are climate extremes, food crisis, natural disasters, world confrontation, grid failure, global financial crisis, housing crisis, COVID, locust swarms, farming crisis, supply chain crisis, fuel crisis, and every day there is a new crisis developing.
The need for people to form survival groups and be self-reliant is more important now than ever before. Forming groups now to learn and to work together, before the crisis begins, will provide you the opportunity to gain experience, skills, and be prepared for challenges that come after the crisis. Being part of a small local group can enhance each member’s security and survival capacity. Maintaining a clear idea of the group’s mission and responsibilities is critical to the long-term survival and success. Finding people in your area is especially important for groups to increase and boost the skills in their community and their resources. Being active in a group can assist you to prepare as an individual and ensure you are not a liability on the group. As our civilization becomes more divided, threatened, and plagued by disasters, it is important that responsible citizens unite, organize, network, and prepare. The future of our children and families depends on organized groups with well-defined missions. Your group’s goal is to seek out individuals who have the skillset, personality, and supplies to initially grow your core group, building up as time goes on. A groups mission can be defined in many ways. Groups can network together to form a bug-in survival community or as a prepared designated bug-out location. One of the biggest benefits of networking with other preppers is becoming a part of a knowledge chain. Connecting with people and groups now can open opportunities for you to gain access to knowledge and skills outside your group. Groups you can share and trade skillsets and supplies. Desired skillsets that all groups need can also enhance your acceptance into a group.

Our Group

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I have been working to create sustainable survival communities for over a decade and to educate and motivate others to understand the importance of joining and preparing today. You need to be a part of a shared work community so grow your network now to buy, sell and trade. – Success always seems to be connected with action.

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Greg Allison, Founder FRF

Join us to preserve and restore our Freedoms. We are challenged by global, national, and even local forces putting at risk our freedoms of speech, of self defense, of privacy, of medical choice and others. Visit our website to take urgent action now.

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Ark Group

Ark Group is a member community survival location in the Ozark Mountains.

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Greg Worm Farm

Green Gregs worm farm for the finest composting worms. Visit my website for educational videos on everything you need to know to get started and be successful at worm farming, aquaponics, microgreens, wild edibles and medicinals.